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Industry thoughts and news

Do you have the capability to fulfil the technical ambitions for your business?

In this video we are going to talk about how to decide if you need to help to fulfil your technical ambitions, how to choose who to partner with and how to get the best out that relationship.
Emily Hill
Emily HillFounder and CEO
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How can Technology make your business more efficient?

Technology is key to helping your business grow but with the wrong set up it could be holding you back. In this video blog we explain how to use technology to improve your business efficiency.  
Charles Rea
Charles ReaTechnical Lead
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How the right technology can give your business a competitive edge

The world's moving at a really fast pace at the moment, especially in the technology world, and your competition are moving, and they are moving forward. The question is, is your technology moving faster than theirs? And do you have the right foundations to keep ahead of them and keep progressing faster than they do.
Ric Hill
Ric HillFounder and CTO
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What is the secret behind brilliant design?

Some websites and software platforms are better than others. They are easier to use, look better and we don’t feel dread every time we need to complete a task using them. But what is the secret behind them? 
Andrew Cox
Andrew CoxLead Product Designer
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Architecting for maintainability through Vertical Slices

At Ghyston, a technique we strongly recommend for building maintainable software is to architect your application around Vertical Slices. Here we’ll explore how this architecture style works, and the benefits it has over a more traditional approach. 
Charles Rea
Charles ReaTechnical Lead
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Reinventing the workplace: the new office normal

There is no question that COVID-19 has changed the way we work, but what will the long term impact be? In this session our panel of business leaders will discuss what happens next for office life and what are the implications for our workforce.
Emily Hill
Emily HillFounder and CEO
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Your dream digital transformation team

Chances are that the difference between the success or failure of your project won’t be down to the technology you choose but rather getting the right people on board. Let’s look at how you can build a team to propel you towards success.  
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Now is the time to innovate

Change is one constant that businesses always face and a crisis like the one we’re currently facing just accelerates that change. Which means that if we are to get through it, we need to learn to adapt and innovate.
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Ghyston's Innovation Day

Our first innovation day took place last week - here is what happened and tips if you are thinking about running one.
Charles Rea
Charles ReaTechnical Lead
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