As the FIFA Women’s World Cup kicks off, so does our office charity sweepstakes! The teams have been assigned, the group stage has begun, and all the money raised is being match funded by the Ghyston Foundation and donated to our community partner of the year, Bristol North West Foodbank. Meanwhile, the office collection point for the foodbank is ticking over steadily, with donations from employees being bolstered by weekly contributions from the office “lard” order.
In September, we’re partnering with our mission partner charity of the year, Codebar Bristol, to offer their “students” a mock technical interview event. Interviewers from Ghyston will set the prospective developers the type of questions they can expect to face when applying for coding jobs, giving them an opportunity to hone their interview skills in a friendly environment. And, of course, to enjoy some food, drinks and networking!
As ever, we’ve been putting our technical skills to good work on projects for various local charities, including a recent website design and build for Grassroot Communities, a community-based organisation helping young people from Bristol to realise their potential.